Saturday, February 21, 2015

Some random things and a few recipes!

A few randoms:

My friend/roommate got me this great shirt for my birthday - love it!
My toes were VERY messed up after the marathon... blisters and cuts everywhere for weeks. I've always questioned running in toe socks but I went to our local running store with a gift card and he suggested these. They have been GREAT for blister prevention. I haven't done any truly long runs yet but normally I get small blisters here and there just from short runs and with these - nothing! No rubbing. I want to get a second pair all in pink :)
This is why I like to start the day with exercise :)

My knee has slowly but surely been getting better. I tried to run outside a few weeks ago when the weather was nice but all of the hills here really aggravated my knee and I had to take some days off after that. So since then, I've stuck to the treadmill. Sometimes I'll bump it up to 1% incline about halfway through my run, other times I leave it at 0. THIS article explains that it might not necessarily be more beneficial to your runs to use the incline. I'm undecided, personally! This week my running has looked like this: 

Sunday: 5 miles
Monday: 5 miles
Tuesday: 5 miles
Wednesday: Off (work 7-9:30AM)
Thursday: 6 miles
Friday: 7 miles
Saturday: 4 miles

My most consistent "rest day" is always Wednesday because I've started working at a dining hall on that day. I typically take another rest day off on Saturday or Sunday unless my knee is feeling really good and have time!

Tried to smile but it turned out to be a grimace because it was 6:58AM.

We had a snowday on Thursday (first full day cancellation due to weather at my university in FOUR years!) and I had plenty of time to get my run in and not rush to class. It was great :)


Let's talk about recipes!

A friend sent me an awesome cookbook for my birthday - Racing Weight Cookbook. It has TONS of amazing recipes with maximum nutrients for athletes. It written by two authors - one is a marathoner and one is a rower/marathoner, so it's pretty much perfect! I've tried several recipes from the cookbook  and wanted to share a couple.

The first one I really liked were these wheat-free banana coconut bars. They have oatmeal, a banana, and coconut oil as the main ingredients and came out really well. I cut them up and packaged them individually so I could throw them in my bag for snacks at school all week!

Another quick, easy recipe from the book were these "salmon cakes." All you need is some cooked boneless, skinless salmon (in a can) and some panko breadcrumbs and these take about 20 minutes to whip up! 

Smoothie bowls with the following ingredients are a hot item around here right now too...

Yesterday for lunch I made a sweet-potato chickpea wrap from a recipe on Thug Kitchen. If you aren't familiar with Thug Kitchen, you should DEFINITELY go read that recipe ASAP. It's worth it - you'll probably laugh the whole time. I love Thug Kitchen because despite their tough exterior, they offer healthy, vegan recipes and make eating healthy the BA thing to do. 

These wraps were the bomb.

Steam the sweet potatoes and chickpeas
Slice up some red onion to sauté with lemon juice
Thinly sliced apple
Shazam! Delicious wrap! Or burrito bowl if you wrap ends up ripping like mine did.

Hope those recipes tide you over - more are coming!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Everyday should feel like a birthday.

A few weeks ago, I found this: 

On Monday I turned 21. I had a lovely day, which started with pink m&ms in my cereal and a nice treadmill run. Pretty ordinary (other than the pink m&ms) but at the same time, perfect. I didn't do anything too novel for my birthday - I realized how "normal" the whole day actually was. In the end, my sister organized for a handful of friends to be at my apartment when I got home from dinner, and that was really special. But other than that, birthdays are getting pretty routine for me! Not as exciting as they once were.

I saved this flavor LUNA bar to eat that day
Google wished me a happy birthday
I received some special goodies :) Alex gave me the warmest scarf and hat and my mom sent some clothes that I'd been eyeing. 
One of my dearest friends sent a couple great books. I've already plowed through the cookbook and marked all the recipes I would like to try. And last night I started reading Sherlock Holmes for a few minutes before I went to bed.

Thank you to everyone who wished me well for my birthday! I've been doing a lot of cooking and there's some foodie recipes coming up soon!