Thursday, August 8, 2013

A new egg recipe and sore!

I think that hot yoga yesterday was the perfect decision for me. I needed a day to freshen up my legs! Yoga yesterday left me ready to get back in the proverbial saddle. I hopped on the erg for what I knew would be a longgg workout. I wanted to get in some major meters. However, being alone in my basement (erg chamber of torture) for too long on that thing can make me a little nuts. So, I plugged in my laptop and watched "Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows" (I'm a die-hard Holmes fan, in any form, especially Robert Downey Jr) as I pumped out a 10,000 meter piece. It took me about 48 minutes and I wasn't trying to break any records, just to stay somewhere in the ball-park of my 5k split. I was about 7 beats above where I'd like to be. I used this rate-pattern found on

Rowing, while challenging (and at times, darn right uncomfortable) is a great and unique workout. It's not natural for your body like running is, but it's quite a good overall workout. Concept2 has a great source listing how and why rowing can be so awesome, rewarding, and a workout like non-other. Here's a few great reasons of why you should row :)

With running and cycling, the miles might melt away more quickly, but rowing develops muscle all over your body that neither running nor cycling do. I'd say rowing is a similar type of all-body workout to swimming. It gives you muscle tone all over! It's a nice compliment to running because it really builds up your core as you get stronger at it, which can improve your running form and reduce injury.

After my row, I was ALMOST as sweaty as after hot yoga last night... I rehydrated with some water and definitely with a giant mug of...watermelon.

For lunch, I tried a HungryRunnerGirl original recipe. I would say I get most of my protein everyday from eggs, and while I don't eat them every single day I try to eat them several times a week. So I'm always looking for new egg recipes. This one is called "Froached Eggs" and it's so quick and easy to make. I made two and they turned out really nicely. Didn't have that hard edge that fried eggs usually have but wasn't as difficult to make as poached eggs. It really was basically a poached egg. I added a sprinkle of cheese and some pepper. So good!

This weekend (tonight, tomorrow night, and Saturday night) I'm off to babysit my next-door-neighbor. I'm really excited about this because 1) it's always fun to "hang out" with her (she's getting older so it's not so much like actual babysitting) and in addition to being fun 2) I will earn some extra money. Since she has camp during the day on Friday and Saturday, I get to come home and do my own thing for a few hours. I'm really lucky, it's a great arrangement. I'm sure I'll still have some time to make a few posts though! :)

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