Monday, August 5, 2013

Race shirt Monday.

I love those Mondays when you get to wear your new race shirt and frolic around happily in it. I wanted to wear mine to work but thought that might not quite be considered "business-professional."

Sorry for the face.

Today I toyed with the idea of going for a light run or erging, but my body (and mind) still feel really tired from yesterday. I think that I had a pretty hard week last week with little to no taper anyways, so I decided to listen to my body and just take a day completely off. I'm sure it'll benefit me in the long run! I just hope I can fall asleep tonight. Part of the reason I "have to" stay so active is because it makes me fall right asleep at night. Often if I don't do any activity, I lie awake for hours, thinking about basically everything! I've been this way since I was 7-8 years old. On the days I row/run/cycle/swim/walk/fly/all of the above I go out like a light, as soon as my head hits the pillow! My pediatrician used to always say she could notice me always brimming with energy, always moving. This isn't something I would always notice about myself, but I realize that a lot of the time, it's true! I just was made to be active, and it does so much for my mind and body. 

Long story short, I had plenty of time today to do nothing except take selfies and make fish faces at the webcam. 

I was really looking forward to my 10-mile race on Sunday, but now I'm not sure if it'll work out because I've gotten a weekend-long babysitting stint. I'm not sure if the parents would be okay with me working this into the schedule (and if not, I can't blame them!). Considering I am recovering from a first (albeit short!) triathlon and want to do a longest-ever run before moving back to school, it might not be an all-together bad thing if I had to skip it, though I'll definitely still plan to do it if I can work it in. Stay tuned on that one, folks!

Tomorrow morning I'm hoping to make a delicious concoction before work...stay posted for that too!

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