Wednesday, April 9, 2014

New mini-recipes and a VIDEO.

Today while running I brought my iPhone to take pictures of the many, MANY snails I see along the path. They might seem icky to you but I think they are funny. I guess the weather has been too cold over night (in the 30s) and the snails all went back into hibernating-mode because I did not see any! Instead this video happened!

Sometimes I get lonely/bored on my runs and I guess this random video is a tribute to that fact ;) I guess I do weird things to keep it entertaining for me!

I also snapped some pics by my favorite rock wall that I run past. Some houses are built into this wall and even though it's just a bunch of rock I just think the color is really beautiful in the sunlight. Another reason I've been wanting to bring my camera! I used my handy-dandy flip band to carry it :)

I guess it's becoming a theme very few weeks to post pictures of what foods I'm eating lately...recently I've been very into microwaved scrambled eggs and overnight oats. Simplicity.

If you are a college student (or just don't want to use the stove) and microwaved eggs is something that interests you, here's what you do: crack an egg into a mug (or two eggs!) and mix in whatever you want. I like mine with frozen vegetables but you can use cheese, milk, etc and get creative! Then pop in the microwave for 30-45 seconds, remove, and stir. Put it back in for another ~45 seconds and then take it out and season it with salt and pepper if you like! It takes a while to cool so be careful.
The other night I had my microwaved egg wrapped in a half-tortilla and with a very brightly colored salad! New favorite meal. 
Here are my overnight oats. I've seen recipes for this all over the Internet but haven't explored it yet. Finally, I decided to take advantage of the big bag of muesli I have in my cupboard and try it out! (For those of you who don't know - I didn't know either until I got here - muesli is just oatmeal but it has stuff mixed in already, usually nuts and raisins). 

I made my overnight oats with about ¾ cup muesli, stirred in ¾ cup of my chocolate soy milk, and added a few extra raisins and half of a sliced banana. Popped in the fridge overnight and took out in the morning! It was perfect! You can, of course, do this with regular oatmeal and you can always stick it in the microwave to take some of the cold edge off. Cold oats can take some getting used to.
I ran out of plain soy milk so I "had" to use chocolate soy milk in my teeny cup of coffee this week. I recommend this.

While here in Europe, I think about rowing all of the time and miss it a lot. Like I say over and over again, this is the longest I've gone in almost 6 years without rowing and it makes me suffer withdrawal symptoms to be away from the water for so long. So, I read lots of rowing news and articles. Recently, a friend shared an article about a 92-year old rower! He didn't even start until his 60s and he's in excellent shape.

Read about why we should all row HERE

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