I realize that this is like the 42nd time that I've said "Okay guys, I'm really going to get back into blogging now!" It feels wrong to make false promises and to say "this is really it," again, but I will say that this time I really do think I'm back. I've just extracted myself from a difficult couple of semesters, I'm going to be entering a new marathon training cycle in a few short weeks, and I find myself once again in the throes of a lonely summer with more time than usual for naval-gazing and self-reflection - two things that have, in the past, contributed to the livelihood of this blog.
As I'm writing this morning, I should be studying for the GRE. I've even brought myself to a coffee shop in hopes that the vibe here would encourage a "study mood." The test is on June 30, and I'm supposed to be studying 3+ hours per day in preparation for it. I can't believe I'm already at this equal-parts-exciting-and-terrifying crossroads in life... I'm at the point where I'm preparing for a new stage in life - for some of my peers that stage is employment, for others it's a year of travel or volunteer-work, for me it's going to be grad school, in some way shape or form. The murkiness of the future is scary but also promising. I have little to no idea where I'll be or what exactly I'll be doing year from now. The next year will hold a series of new starts.
I've turned the page on an academically and emotionally challenging semester. I was taking around 20 credit hours and traveling for research-related conferences, and my family also suffered the loss of my beloved grandfather. He was nearing 93 and led a wonderful, full life, but we still feel his loss sorely. We laid him to rest in Santa Ana, which elicited an impromptu trip across the country in the midst of school. It was completely worth it and I'd do it again in a heartbeat just to be there for him and my family. I think about him and miss him every day, and it's hard for me to believe that he's not here.

I'm spending the summer conducting my own research project on the correlation between acquired capability for suicide in athletes (I work in a clinical psychology lab at my university). I've also recently completed training to become a "Qualified Mental Health Specialist," and now I'm and employee at my county's "Community Counseling and Crisis Center," as a hotline consultant. We're open 24/7, so it's relatively easy for me to get hours that conform around the rest of my schedule.
With some of my research at a national conference:
After eight-ish months of on-and-off post-marathon injury, I've finally gotten things together and been able to start running pretty regularly again. Right now I'm working on building my base again because as it turns out...
Yep, I'm headed back to Chicago :) I've got aspirations of a new PR, but I'm trying to stay healthy and un-injured for Boston in April 2016, as well. I've spent a LOT of time in the last month working on building my hips, core, and glute strength so that I can stay strong. I've also been trying to work more on stretching, which I definitely think I needed more of in the later phases of my marathon training and post-marathon last fall.
As it turns out, I'm also turning into a pretzel. I'm trying to better my physical and mental health through becoming heavily involved in yoga. I first developed familiarity with Vinyasa yoga when I was eight years old (which is when my parents bought me my first yoga mat and gave me a DVD) and have practiced on-and-off since then, both in studio and just on my own with what I know.
This time around I began a 40-day yoga and meditation challenge as outlined in
this book, which I would absolutely recommend, whether or not you want to do the challenge or just follow the yoga and meditation tips and instruction!
I am primarily living alone this summer (I say primarily because I'm back and forth a bit between university and home with my family) and that's led to a whole new adventure in terms of cooking! I definitely look forward to sharing some new recipes.
When I do come home I have been taking advantage of cycling with my dad, relaxing, and running around my favorite spots in my hometown.
With that... I should stop procrastinating and get my studying in. It's good to be back! See you tomorrow?