Saturday, September 13, 2014

Things from this week, 20-miler & Running Talk Down.

There's been a lot of rowing and other things going on this week! Yesterday I had my first morning workout. We were on the water by 7AM! We got three good practices in this week - I'm really excited for our regatta in a week! And to visit home :)

I always lay everything out the night before : 

My new favorite pre-rowing snack: 

We headed into the city last night and Alex's aunt and uncle had us over to make PIZZAS. I typically stay away from wheat/gluten (and that has really improved my health over the last 6-7 months!) but I am planning on eating pizza (convenience) the night before the marathon so this was good timing to practice since the long run was today! Plus, who doesn't like pizza-making???

Alex=pizza expert

This morning I got up at 5:15 to start the run. My roommate planned to do 10 miles with me, and we both had somewhere to be by 10:00 so we had to start early!

 I actually started at about 5:45 on the treadmill because I don't run in the dark on my own. I set the treadmill to 2% incline to simulate outside running. So, I did 5 miles on my own, met my roommate, did the middle 10 miles with her, and then did the last 5 miles on my own again. This was a pretty nice balance. I knew I couldn't (mentally) do the full 20 completely on my own and I LOVED the company. Running in sparse country roads for 20 miles on my own would've been too scary - either because of dogs, crazy drivers, or other unknowns. I think this is something I could've definitely done in my hometown where there are TONS of runners/cyclists/pedestrians, but here it's hard to do that.


The 20 miles felt pretty good. Honestly, not that much different from 18! After the end of my run, I hopped in our pool for an "ice bath," since it was only about 50 degrees outside (the pool was probably closer to 60. That felt GOOD.

I don't think you're going to want to see my bare toes for quite awhile.

Then it was time to head to the boathouse to get launch certified! Figured it's as good a time as ever to make it official!

Running from 09/08-09/13:
Monday : Off
Tuesday : 6 VERY slow and easy miles + an evening rowing workout - 4 x 10 min pieces.
Wednesday : 4 fast-ish miles on the treadmill.
Thursday : 8 miles - 1-mile warmup, 6 miles at 7:41 avg pace, and 1 mile cool down. 2x15 minutes rowing.
Friday : Morning row (30 minutes) and 2 mile "shake out" run to make sure everything felt okay for the long run!
Saturday : 20.2 miles, mostly easy with last 5 miles @ marathon pace.

Weekly total : 40.2 miles

Now I'm just staying horizontal, studying, and preparing something special for dinner!

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