Wednesday, May 28, 2014

My 9 Loves...

It's the second day of my "10 Day You Challenge..." today is "9 Loves!"

1. This should go without saying...Alex. The person I've basically grown up with, tackled college with, traveled Europe with, and had so many hundreds of other smaller experiences that were no less important in shaping both me and my life. Thank you for always being by my side :)

2. My family. These people have all been by my side through all of my ups and downs and new adventures. It's hard to put into words how important you all are to me, and how grateful I am for everything. I don't have photos of everyone, but if you're reading (and even if you aren't), I mean it :)

3. My girlfriends. These girls may as well be family to me! We've all been through a lot together and  grown together. All of these women (and some that I couldn't find pictures with, as well!) are strong, smart, beautiful and successful. Thanks for all being great role models :)

4. Rowing. For a number of reasons, rowing has truly created the person that I am today. Rowing taught me the importance of teamwork, hard work, endurance, strength, and stamina. I can say with absolute certainty that I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for this sport. I should cut myself off here because I could go on for pages about rowing!

5. Cooking.  I adore cooking! I am so glad that my mom has included me in the kitchen since I could walk and talk, and that she let me start baking and cooking on my own when I was 8. There's something just so satisfying about created something delicious from an assortment of seemingly unrelated ingredients. There's something therapeutic about working with my hands in such a routine way. Cooking gives me a sense of accomplishment, and I love to feel that I've brought people together over a meal or desert. I'm really thankful that I learned about this skill so young!

6. Travel. It's hard on my mind and body to travel constantly for 4 months, but generally speaking I really love going to new places and learning about history and people that are different than me. I'm so glad I had this opportunity :) Each opportunity to travel is an opportunity to grow, learn, and better yourself. I think I will always be a traveler now!

7. Language. This goes right along with travel. I love being able to speak a language that isn't native to me! Speaking French this semester with fluency was one of the most rewarding things in my life thus far.

8. Books. This goes right along with language, in a way. Sometimes I feel like books played a big part in raising me. Books and my intense love for reading have shaped the way I think, write, and perform. Sometimes I can have the worst day, and come home and get lost in a good book only to emerge having forgotten about it all. I've also learned a lot from my books - which is something I only realized the magnitude of when I went to Europe and realized how much stuff I knew about many of the places we visited. 

9. Exercise. This gets it's own number separate from rowing. I seeing my exercise and my rowing as separate things - both of which I love. "Exercise" indicates the broader array of activities I like to do; yoga, running, strength training, swimming, cycling. Each of these makes me feel accomplished, strong, and fulfilled. The hardwork that I put into each of these activities helps shape and define me. I think my favorite thing about exercise is the feeling of accomplishment I get from it, whether it's just in practice or a session, or a race. My self-esteem might be at a low, and the accomplished feeling I get from a workout brings it right back up again. Exercise makes me feel strong, confident, and beautiful. Whether it's during the lowest and most mundane days (which are few and far between) and on the best days, exercise gives me a goal to work towards. 

With bright pink nails, of course :)

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