Monday, April 29, 2013

Positive Results.

Today I went to the doctor, who officially let me know that training for the Half is back on track! I am so excited!!!

Now my training is back on track...but this is my last week until taper! According to the doctor, I should be running every other day and maybe skip my last long run (which would be the third long run in a row that I am missing!!!). I will definitely listen to my body and see how it goes. Today was a complete rest day; my body really needed it. Between rowing, cycling, and running, it's been weeks since I've taken a rest day! I was pretty sore after yesterday's "5k" too so I could tell I needed it.

Today was MU Smiles Day, and I got this! 
It's as big as my face! 

I spent the afternoon interviewing over the phone for a job and then priming the Boathouse doors for painting. Both are very exciting prospects! Pictures to follow on the doors.

I was reading through my normal running news pages and found THIS article. Like many other Americans and many other runners, I'm still pretty shaken about what happened in Boston. However, my interest in running and marathoning has definitely heightened since then. I think that this article really reflects similar feelings in many other runners. We can't be beaten as Americans and especially not as athletes:

This connected me to another article from the Boston Globe, which discusses the fact that the marathon at Boston that day is still important. The runners at Boston accomplished something huge, and while the  incident that day overshadowed the feats of many athletes that day, it should not lead to the forgetting of the marathon. Remember the marathon, Boston runners!

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