Sunday, August 3, 2014

Desert for Breakfast, paddle boarding and running talk down.

Have you ever eaten cake for breakfast? Or some other desert thing? 

I don't think I've ever had cake for breakfast but I have definitely been known to sneak something sweet along with my breakfast. Especially recently. My craving for sweets is highest in the morning, and more often than not, if I go ahead and eat that piece of chocolate, cookie, muffin, etc, I don't crave junk anymore for the rest of the day! For me, I know that my junk-food cravings are highly correlated to my blood sugar (have I eaten enough nutritious food first?) and my hydration... so I try to focus on those areas first before indulging (no matter what time of day!).
This afternoon, I headed off to do some paddle boarding with my good friend and soon-to-be roommate! This was our second time doing this together and I LOVE it! It can either be exciting and challenging (if you go on the scary, choppy lake!) or calm and relaxing (if you stay in the river!). I spent a lot of time sitting today - tired legs from the long run :) After a rainy day yesterday, we finally had some great weather that we got to enjoy! It's actually turned out to be quite a rainy summer so we like to catch some rays whenever possible!

Running Talk Down from 07/28 to 08/03
Monday : Off
Tuesday : 7 miles easy
Wednesday : 5 miles easy on the trails, GSM, 8-minute abs
Thursday : 1 mile w/u, 10x800m, 2 miles c/d, GSM, 8-minute abs
Friday : 6 miles easy
Saturday : Off
Sunday : 15-mile long run

Weekly Total: 41

Well, 6 weeks down, 10 more to go! Today I successfully ran my farthest EVER run. Can't believe I was out for 15 miles! I had some aches and pains later in the week, which had me nervous for awhile during the run, and I wasn't sure if I would cut it short. I actually only had 14 miles on the schedule, but I went a little too far and ended up with 15. I cut myself off right at 15 and walked the rest of the way home because I didn't want to overwhelm my body with too many miles at once. I did feel some aches and pains towards the beginning of the run but towards the middle and end I really felt great and settled into it. My parents BOTH rode their bikes to give me water and Gatorade! They rode together for the most part and then went ahead of me and met me a few miles down the road. For about 3 miles, they were able to ride next to me. I am so lucky to have this amazing support system. It's less about the water and supplies that they are able to bring me, and more about the support they show by being there. I am so lucky. Training for this race would be 93083847x harder if I felt I was in it alone. I don't know what I'll do without them when I head back to school in a few weeks!

All in all, there were some rough patches in my training this week and my body is definitely feeling the wear of the extra mileage. I don't have any consistent complaints though and it's more like a sore muscle here, a tight muscle there. I use a lot of ice and stretching for my problem areas which helps a lot. This week, I will be toning the miles down quite a bit for a nice cutback week. I think I'll enjoy the brief mind and body rest from intense training. Cutback weeks allow your body to heal from previous weeks of hard work, and also to revamp for a few more challenging weeks. My runs this week will be brief and fewer than normal. On Saturday, I have a 50-mile bike ride. I'm really nervous for this event! I know I'm not going to set any speed records, but I'm scared because I've never done anything like this before. I really don't know what to expect. 

I do have one thing to get me through the ride though.

As soon as I'm done, I can load the bike up, hit the highway, come home and get ready, and head to the airport to meet... other half. Yep, the 11 weeks are ALMOST up. Only 5 days and 50 measly miles on the bike standing between us ;)

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