Tuesday, June 3, 2014

3 Films.

I spent much of yesterday after my run and workout trying to get some R&R... I get so worried about not having enough to do that I sometimes tend to over schedule! My 16-hour workday on Saturday and similarly busy day on Sunday left me feel completely depleted on Monday. Right now I'm working Tuesday-Saturday so I have Sunday/Monday off to relax. Monday was quiet, with lots of errands, many loads of laundry, and finally, some reading later in the evening. Phew, I needed that!

Today's topic for the 10-day You Challenge is...3 Films!

1. Princess Bride. Wow, I love this movie. Narrowing down to 3 films is tough... with 2 parents that are graduates of UCLA film school, I've grown up with a high value and appreciation of film. You know I love it if it made this list! I find "Princess Bride" to be a hysterical rendition of William Goldman's original book, with a great script and good acting. I can't watch this movie without cracking up throughout. I never get tired of it. I actually even take it everywhere with me...it comes with me each semester to college, accompanied me to Europe (we watched it once on the TGV headed to Paris for the weekend), and will continue to follow me wherever I go, I'm sure!

2. Black Swan. I should start off by saying that I love Natalie Portman. I think she's a great actress and a very normal person; a non-crazy celebrity. Most people I know are somewhat terrified turned off from "Black Swan" because of it's dark and gory nature. Personally, I think it's a brilliant work of art (good, raw film) and it doesn't bother me. I think that Natalie fully deserved the Oscar she won for her acting in it! Plus, it doesn't hurt that it's centered around ballet, which will always have a soft spot in my heart (even though I'm "retired :). 

3. The Matrix. Again, I like to take this movie everywhere because it's one of those films that I just don't get tired of. I think it's such a great mixture of action, sci-fi, even romance and it's just really cool to watch, in my opinion. When I was 9 or 10, we saw a dance-adaptation of "The Matrix" at Cain Park - it was really cool. My mom was trying to explain that what we were watching on stage was based off of a movie, and she explained the plot to me. At the time I said, "That sounds scary, I don't think I'll ever want to watch it." She told me I would when I was older, and of course she was right! Besides, Keanu is great.


Today I worked 9 hours and went running right after I got home. I've been having a lot of calf soreness and tightness on my easy runs the last few weeks, but hard runs are fine. Not sure why this is, but I ended up cutting my run short after 3 miles. Gonna try different shoes tomorrow, but I might need to just cross-train for a few days. Came home and just did 8-minute abs and 8-minute arms before dinner and left it at that. After 9 hours on my feet, it seemed sufficient! I'm just taking things easy until marathon training starts on June 23.

Check out Janae's foam rolling video! Shares some great tricks to massage those legs.

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