Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Overtraining : It's Not Just About Exercise, and a Travel Tangent.

I found this article extremely interesting to read... there have been points where I feel overtrained and don't necessarily think I'm doing too much. Sometimes I feel overworked when I'm hardly exercising at all! However, this article explains that it's not always to do with running or exercise...but stress on your body and lack of recuperation : 

Reading this makes me even MORE glad I'm taking a break for a few days this week. I do not think I am overtrained right now, but I think that some good, solid rest before the big training kick can't hurt.

This is a complete tangent but...

Now that I've been home from Europe for just over a month, I find myself aching to travel again. For the first few weeks home, I desperately needed those days to recover and heal my body from what had been a challenging (and at the same time, amazing) semester. Despite the fact that all of that constant travel and go-go-go mentality was a bit taxing on me, I miss being able to pick up and travel every week, seeing wonders of the world at the drop of a hat, and being able to discover new things. I feel that there is so much left for me to discover and I find myself wondering how and when that can fit into my life next. I've found myself trying to think about if I can afford another, smaller Study Abroad to France next summer, and wondering if it's financially feasible to do another tour of Europe in a few years. I find myself thinking of the other places I'm now interested in going to; the Amazon, Asia, and even the Middle East. Heck, I'd like to see more the US! I'd be thrilled to get to California or to do an East Coast tour.

I find myself looking back through all of my old photographs and missing things that were once simple in daily life. I miss even riding the bus, I miss the nice trains, I miss reusable grocery bags (which I actually did bring several of back home). I miss understanding Luxembourg in a way that you can only understand a place you live. I miss the checkout guy at "Cactus," who - no matter what day or what time I showed up - was always there to ring me up. I miss the pharmacist in Differdange who flattered me after hearing me speak French. While I was there, I missed how "modern" things are over here, and now that I am home, I miss the old-fashioned aspects of life in Europe. My heart now aches for these things.

I longed so much for home while I was there, and now I wish I could be back over there! Maybe I'm a chronically miserable person... I just always have to wish for what I don't have (not that I really am miserable; that is a gross exaggeration!).
Ultimately, I am so grateful that I had this experience and exposure. I will be back to Europe... I'm not sure how or when, but I will be working hard so that I can afford to return :)

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