Thursday, June 26, 2014


Phew! Got 5 more miles in the early hours this morning, plus trying strides for the first time. I did 2x20 seconds. I'm not sure I'm doing them totally right... will have to investigate!

For now, I'm trying to stay on track with my training schedule and stick to their suggested workouts during the week, because it seems very manageable for the time being. I'm sure this will change though, and it will quickly get pretty tough. Alex's wise advice is that it's really the long runs that matter - that's what gets you to marathon completion. Since I'm not trying to set any records with this first marathon and my main goal is to get through it uninjured, I think that towards the middle/end of the training cycle I will sort of trickle off the exact training plan workouts and do my own thing. I'd like to stick with the exact training plan while I can, and listen to my body to know when it's time to listen and scale back.

I've also been chipping through these videos of advice on marathon nutrition! That will be so critical to even being able to complete the marathon; I definitely want as much info on nutrition as possible!
Every morning, I have one cup of coffee with almond milk but it takes me several hours to finish the cup...I'm a slow coffee drinker. After the first cup (about 10AM) I move on to black peppermint tea, which I typically drink chilled (since it's hot and summertime!). I've never been the hugest fan of tea but I'm trying to expand my horizons because it's so good for you. I used to drink a huge cup of green tea every day! I'm trying to bring those habits back.
I also try to drink one full cup of water after my morning workouts to start getting my hydration back. It's been so humid lately that I probably lose many pounds of sweat after my workouts...which, needless to say is NOT good! I'm trying to really be disciplined about hydration these days. For the first 2 months in Europe, my hydration was at an all time low... I was never thirsty and often would go all day without drinking water (especially when traveling, to minimize potty breaks since public (free) restrooms could often be hard to come by) ...only to realize it at the end of the day, when I would force myself to have at least a few sips. As a result, I didn't feel my best, and I also noticed my skin to be dryer than ever (which isn't really a surprise, considering!). I want my body to be healthy and nourished, and especially I want my skin to be young and fresh for as long as possible.

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