Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Party time.

You know it's time to party when you wake up before it's light out and see these laid out for you :
That's right, it was time to ERG. (I always lay my clothes out the night before if I'm doing a morning workout.) I am going to be using the rowing machine (the erg) as a form of cross-training a lot this summer. It's extra convenient because it's situated right in our basement. It'll do a lot to strengthen my legs for running (this is the best way for me to do it since I don't have access to a weight room in the summertime). Plus, it'll prep me for fall season sculling.

I did 25 minutes on the rowing machine (which is a pretty long the last 6 years of my life, time has NEVER passed more slowly than when I'm on the rowing machine). You know it's a good workout when you finish dripping in sweat! You can consider me disgusting but I love that feeling. Nothing other than rowing does that to me. After my 25 minutes, I skittered upstairs and did 8-minute arms, which I'm still finding really challenging with my 5-lb weights!

I was recently reading THIS article on why rowing is so good for you. Check it out.

Can't beat a workout that uses "virtually every major muscle group"! No wonder I get so sweaty from it!
For my parents' 25th wedding anniversary, I whipped up some baked chocolate donut holes. They are really easy to make and so cute! I used THIS recipe and modified it a bit (I used European style yogurt instead of Greek and used 1%milk instead of heavy cream for the glaze). 25 years is such a milestone and I definitely think it's something to be recognized and celebrated. 

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