Saturday, September 14, 2013

Exercising...precaution! And fall.

Yesterday when I was on my run on those country roads, a giant semi whizzed past me at 60 mph and I tried to run on the side of the road (but not too far on the side, didn't want to fall down an embankment!) and of course at that point I came to a broken part of the road and twisted my ankle and slid. My ankles are not super strong and I twist 'em a lot on runs but I guess this was a bad one because it started hurting last night and doesn't feel great now. Mostly feels bruised and now swelling so I'm not worried. Since I've got a half-marathon in 3 weeks I decided 1 day off to make sure it's better would be a wiser choice than continuing to train on it. So, I took today off! I think it was good, after swimming, running, and rowing (sometimes twice in a day) I definitely have a lot of body tiredness.

Instead, I got the NY Times at brunch and later settled down to read. TWO arts sections this weekend!

I also got to eat some of these delicious berries from the mini-mart. The mini-mart doesn't often have delicious super foods so this was a great find.

I got to wear my first "fall" outfit. I love when it's chilly enough to wear pants and warm enough to wear a t-shirt (and a jacket if you want!). This also is usually great rowing and running temperature.

Later, I took the trolley to TJ Maxx with a friend. We have the cutest campus transportation!

Hope you all had wonderful Saturdays as well!

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