Thursday, September 5, 2013

New eats and 5k erg tryout!

On Tuesday, campus's new eateries opened. It's a chain of different food shops that have different entries but are all lumped together...sort of like a mall. Four of the new restaurants (there's more to come!) opened, and we were some of the first to check them out! We saw that there's a hamburger place, a pizza place, a sandwich place, and a patisserie! The most intriguing is obviously the patisserie... but we didn't get anything there. We did look though!


We ended up at the sandwich place, which I really wanted because I didn't want greasy pizza. They had fancy soda, all in glass bottles! 

It turned out that I just ended up with a greasy sandwich which I wasn't a huge fan of. It tasted good, just didn't feel good.


Alright, now that my tryout is finally over I feel like I can finally write! I was a ball of anxiety yesterday and especially today...and in the end I made a 9 second PR (even from that big PR a few weeks ago). I made a few mistakes...I had a coxswain who didn't know my goal and she pushed me pretty hard at the beginning--too hard in fact--and I fell victim to the classic "fly and die" tragedy. However, even though I was dying, I knew I was still going to have a huge PR. Throughout the piece (it's all a little hazy now...) I had some trouble breathing and some cramping (I had eggs for lunch 3.5 hours before but I guess it still wasn't long enough?) and kept trying to cough but couldn't so my throat burned. I just wanted it to be over, especially during the "dying" parts. It was strongly reminiscent of my tryout last year, which felt similar, but this time I walked away with a new record. Unfortunately I didn't remember my log card :( but my time and watts is officially recorded. 

Now, I've had a few days off from activity, due mostly to the fact that I've been sick but also in preparation for my 5k. Now that the time trial is over I can focus a little more on running for a few weeks (I signed up for a half-marathon that is on October 13th). This race is really before the majority of the rowing season heats up and is over our fall break and is also right at home for needless to say I'm very excited. I just realized that I'll need to be in taper mode for that in just a few weeks though, so I will focus some attention on long runs while rowing is still low-key. I'm doing this half-marathon with a Friend so I'm very excited to have company!

Thank you so much to everyone who was with me all day through texts and emails. While I was rowing I felt like you were all behind me!

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