Saturday, November 30, 2013

Being smart (can be tough).

So… today I had to make another one of those smart decisions. Instead of doing 10 miles with tempo pace thrown in there, I did an easy recovery run through the snow and ice. After my total of 7 miles yesterday I really needed to keep things light. I'm feeling a little more beat up from that than usual - which isn't a surprise considering the snow, ice, fast pace that I was pushing, and other contenders that I dealt with yesterday PLUS running for 2 additional miles after that. I'm not really sure that was the best idea…I just was in such a running mood!

Enjoying the (giant!) t-shirt after finding out about making it in my goal range by 3 seconds!

I want to do a 10-miler to prepare myself for a half-marathon that I'm looking at (2 weeks from Sunday… I need to decide!) but I think in the long run the best decision is to save the 10-miler for Tuesday (when I have a chunk of time) and continue to take things pretty easy until then. Due to travel I probably won't have time tomorrow to run, but I plan to spin and ellipticize on Monday and then try to put my best work into those 10 miles on Tuesday before tapering down. I think waiting is going to be hard (I am excited to do the 10 miles, but also want it over with!) but good for many reasons, including allowing me to spend more family time, more time working on a project, allowing me time to heal/recover, and allowing me to wait to do the 10 miles until I'm back in familiar long-run territory (I've never run more than 9.6 miles at home!).

My next race (and inspiration to be smart).

On a different tangent, I can't believe I'm headed back to school tomorrow! We had a Hanukkah/get together tonight at Alex's. Our contribution was our OWN s'mores cookies!

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