Friday, November 1, 2013

Weather and other news.

This popped up in my newsfeed from Brooks running. This jogging pumpkin was too cute not to share.

My day yesterday started out pretty early in the lab! On the way there I saw that yesterday was the day every year that each branch of the military represented on campus run ALL day carrying flags. They take shifts, of course, but carry on, rain or shine! Yesterday was DEFINITELY rain.

Then I found the source of the candy that's always on the table in the lab…

Despite all the drizzles, I headed out for a run. It looked cold outside, but was actually in the low 60s so all of the wet wasn't too bad. I was DRENCHED by the end of my 5 miles, even though I had on my rain coat.

I went out and found the Halloween house again. Despite all of the rain, their decorations were still going! I managed to take a much better picture.

This was the scariest part of my Halloween…

This morning when I woke up, it was like an entirely different planet! The sun was shining, there was no wind, and it looked like the days of storms had never touched campus.

The view from my window.

I started my day with a 4.5-mile run, bringing my weekly mileage up to 28 miles! That's the most I've ever run in 1 week (to my knowledge!). I think tomorrow I'll get in those 2 miles to bring it to 30 but then I need a break - my legs are definitely pretty tired out. At any rate, I have a lot of swimming to work on if I want to make it to Turkey!

Tulip leaves on my run reminded me of my yard at home!

Still to come…our Halloween costumes! Hoping they turn out pretty well!

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