Friday, May 17, 2013


We went to the EXPO today for the Cleveland Marathon!!! It was in the I-X Center which includes a Ferris Wheel. I have never seen an Expo like that before (except Chicago but I wasn't running--I was 7--and it's hard to remember all of it. Hot Chocolate was sort of like this but like 1/5th the size. This.Was.Amazing.

There were so many amazing things to look at (and buy). There were doctors that were treating aches and pains, people measuring body-fat, people to "analyze" your foot structure, etc. It was one of the coolest things I've been to. Reminded me a lot of going to the Head of the Charles; same energy, excitement, and atmosphere.

The gorgeous HM shirt:

For dinner we made our own thick-crusted pizza! 
I like pizza before long runs.
