Sunday, May 5, 2013

US Rowing and easy running.

I guess my hair is kind of blocking it but today I donned my super awesome US Rowing t-shirt! I love this makes my day!

I took another day off of running just so my foot's a little more stable. I did feel it crack a little bit at the end of my long run on Friday and it's been a little shaky since then so I'm taking it easy! Plus I'm in my taper, so I think the majority of my workouts for the next two weeks will be rowing and spinning in my basement! I'll probably take some walks in the beautiful weather too. When my foot's feeling better I'll do some shorter runs and by next week I will be the Queen of Tapering! I'm the type of person that really benefits from being sedentary during a really helps me to feel stronger and my muscles rebuild most effectively that way too. Lots of chocolate milk is also going to be essential!!!

I was pondering through my favorite blog, , and found a post about Easy Runs. This post went along really well with a conversation that Alex and I were having this afternoon about listening to your body, not your super-amazing Garmin watch. Some days you'll just be able to do more than other days! If you're not feeling it, STOP and don't try to be a super speedy when your body just isn't ready. Lots of factors go into this, such as sleep, nutrition, how much you've been running during the other days that week, etc. I definitely am guilty of looking at my watch too much because I have an idea of where I'd like to be, regardless of what my body can handle right now. I do a lot of runs where I try to just ignore my watch the whole time, and I just analyze when I put my data on the computer later. These runs really help me feel better physically; I can tell they're helping strengthen my legs so that I get speedier. Hungry Runner Girl says it so well in her post: 

She found her info from a book on the Hansons Marathon Method. I'll have to read this book now that I have some more time on my hands!

This afternoon I was talking about marathon-ing and triathlon-ing with my grandparents. The topic initially came up because we were talking about the Boston Bombings, and my grandmother said "I'm glad the marathon days seem to be over for this family!" I had to sheepishly admit what I'm doing in two weeks. I'm afraid she might've been mortified...
This conversation did lead into a lot of advice from my grandpa, who likes triathlons. It's really exciting to gain the support of more and more people. Everyone from the previous generation in the Harris family has completed a triathlon, so now it's time for me to bring it into my generation! Hope I set a trend, maybe one day we will have a Harris Family Ironman!

Looks like I'm nearing 150 miles on my "new" running shoes! 

I love these shoes, and I can't believe I seem to be halfway into finishing them off! To me this means I should be looking at new pairs before I go back to school in August, if I follow the traditional "replace at 300-400 miles" rule. Alex, however, says that if you find the perfect shoe for your body, you will never have to replace before 1000 miles or something crazy like that. I'm a little skeptical here...I think it's more that some people (like him!) are better suited to run more miles in certain shoes. Other people, like me, are just more prone to injury if they don't have good, sturdy support under them while they're pounding away. I'd like to get some more opinions on this though; I love buying new running gear, especially shoes, but I would also love saving $120!!!!

This week will probably include a lot of paper-writing, babysitting, and eventually relaxing--and maybe even a haircut!

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