Saturday, May 25, 2013


To be honest...I've been really missing this for the last couple of days:

I must go through hair mood swings because I know for a fact that last weekend I was LOVING the short hair and was making plans to keep it this short for awhile! But now I just miss my mermaid hair (though not when I remember that I'm providing someone else with mermaid hair!). Luckily it'll grow!

After a rough five-miler yesterday I was planning on skipping a run today...but 9.5 hours of (crazy) work (and an overall pretty lame-o day) later I NEEDED a run. It is frighteningly cold for May, but I zipped out into the crisp, clear, and sunny air and immediately felt better. Today's run went so much more smoothly than yesterday's; it was crazy! I wonder if it had to do with my mood or if all the stretching last night made that big of an impact. I'm still keeping an eye on the feisty IT-Band though...I might be able to put up with discomfort for 3 miles but no-can-do for 13.1 miles on June 16th! 

Tomorrow might be a very exciting day... I'm trying to convince my family to come out to Metro Parks with me so I can zoom off an go trail running for the first time! I am very apprehensive to drive myself out there and run completely on my own on the trails...but if I know that they are in the park somewhere I feel a lot safer. So hopefully that happens tomorrow or Monday (I get a two-day weekend from work because it's Memorial Day). 

Also to-do this Memorial Day Weekend:
  • Hot yoga??? (on day that I don't run?)
  • The Great Gatsby with Sister!
  • Bake?
  • Shopping at sales with Mom/Sister (nice clothes for work needed)?
I had to add question marks to some because I'm honestly not sure at all of what the next two days will really entail... I like to keep it sort of loose when I have free time! But I definitely want to bake. Surprisingly, I haven't wanted to bake since I got home from school. Normally I bake ALL the time (bread, cream puffs, cookies, crème brulée, you name it) and I was deprived of this at school since I didn't have the appropriate implements to cook with. Now I guess I'm a little sad to get back at it because normally I do all of my baking with Alex...and also I just haven't found the perfect, inspiring recipe yet. Alas, alack, I think the time has come. I am ready... and it's all because of THIS:

Isn't it beautiful? I regularly check for awesome recipes and I just as regularly find amazing ones like this one! I think this would be great to make this week...Although this week might be just as appropriate of a time to bake my (and Alex's) favorite challah since Alex is in Israel!

Time to shake off the remnants of this chilly, draining day and burrow into my bed with a good DVD and book (love doing two of my favorite things at the same time: movies and books (though I always go back and re-read the books to absorb all of the literary goodness). Over and out!

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