Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Apple Sandwiches and My Run.

It may be December, but I'm still obsessed with apples and certain other fall foods…

You can find the recipe for these Apple Granola Sandwiches HERE!

I found those on Peanut Butter Fingers' blog. Janae at Hungry Runner Girl will always be my fave (sorry everyone else) but PB Fingers is pretty awesome. I can see that she will be a good break (or distraction) for the next two weeks of exams :) 

This morning was all about fog, fog, fog! 

Psychology Building! Where are you??


Started off the day right with some coffee, h2o, and mango smoothie because
hydration is happiness!

Let's talk about my run. I was supposed to do 10 miles today. I did 5. I was supposed to do it at goal pace (after my inspiring 8.5-mile run a couple weeks ago). I did 2 at goal pace and then went to easy running until I got home. 

I am combatting injury.

I should NOT have run 2 easy miles after my speedy and challenging Turkey Trot. If I had known for sure that I would be signing up for a half-marathon over the weekend, I would definitely have not done those 2 miles. Why did I do them? I wanted more miles for the week. I was also a little bored (we know I start making dumb decisions when I get bored…).

I've been running harder and faster than ever during the past several weeks. I've not been allowing my body enough rest, and it's hating me for it. My "default injury" - the one that always flares up if I overuse it and/or don't rest and stretch/strengthen enough - is bugging me. My IT-band is not happy. For the next couple weeks until my December 15th half-marathon, I will be strictly stretching/strengthening, ellipticizing, nutrition, and push-ups (today I did 45). No fast running. I should be in shape to do the race, and plan to complete it even if I can't push my leg to my goal pace - though I do hope and plan to go for goal pace, at least at this point!!

After my failure at my run today I am bummed. I was looking forward to the confidence boost that I get out of a really good run. I knew I could do it - or could have if I was in proper shape. Aside from my almost-injury, I was on a mostly liquid-diet (for health reasons - nothing serious) over the weekend. This is not the kind of fuel that my body needs for running and top performance. If I'd done the 10 miles, I probably wouldn't have been in very good shape afterwards. I think this is all for the best, in some way!

Now, I have a date with my foam roller.

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