Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 In a Nutshell.

2013 was a whirlwind year of adventures and accomplishments for me. I've been thinking back to all of the things that have happened in the last speedy yet action-packed 365 days.

The Hot Chocolate 15k shared this on Facebook. I think it's a good mantra for 2013, and to keep in mind for future years :)

1. I got accepted to the Luxembourg Study Abroad program with my university.

2. I rowed a tremendous spring season with some of the sweetest girls that I've met at college. We rowed an amazing race together at SIRA - which was my first time at that regatta as well. 

3. I started a blog :)

4. I finished my first year of COLLEGE.

5. I donated my hair to someone who needed it more :)

6. I completed my first half-marathon and learned loads about running :)

7. ...and fell in love with this distance, so I did 3 more!

8. I got my first "real" job and worked with inner-city youth.

9. Became a triathlete!

10. Began my second year at college as a Scholar Leader.

11. Celebrated four years with this [edited to add:] boy  guy :) (And watched him run a 3-hour marathon and get a BQ.)

12. Caught up with this girl, who I only get to see once a year (or less)! (Sorry for the REALLY old photo...this is the most recent picture of just us together...circa 2010.)

13. Hung out with family that I rarely get to see...

And a lot lot lot more :)

I know that 2014 will be even more adventurous! 

Happy New Year!