Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Outside at last!

After about 48 hours trapped indoors due to the polar vortex...I finally made it outside! I ran 2 miles in the morning and then had to go do errands to finished my final 3 in the evening just before it got dark. Got my total to 5, though hopefully tomorrow I get to run it all at once!

I had to document that I actually did get outside :)

The negative temps didn't rob us of all fun. We scurried outside for about 30 seconds with a pot of boiling water yesterday evening to do this cool trick! (Sorry I really couldn't contain the awe from my voice at the end there ;)

For lunch I did the same old exciting thing as yesterday - YUM.

We spent the day shopping for some things needed for Europe. Things are slowly coming together and I'm just about set on all of the things I need, though I'm sure I'll still be running around like a crazy person when we really get down to the wire.

My sweet friend helped me get ready by giving me some goodies for the trip - lots of mini things, including a mini LED book light, a book of lots of famous writers' trips abroad, a mini puppies calendar, notecards to write home (if I can get stamps!) and a mini Jane Austen 365 journal. Ironically on the day she gave these things to me, the Jane Austen quote of the day was: 

"If adventures will not a befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad."

How perfect???

All of the goodies (sorry the camera cord is in the photo...whoops).

Tonight I am hydrating so I can go to hot yoga at early o'clock tomorrow. I'm planning a nice, fun and relaxing day for myself tomorrow including yoga, coffee (which is a special treat for me), grocery shopping for my cake (yes I consider grocery shopping fun!), the library, possibly a run if yoga doesn't kill me ;) and of course a nice long shower. Then things get crazy in the evening because I have to babysit for two little boys. I always know I'll sleep well after chasing after those guys.

Hope you're all thawing out!

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