Thursday, January 16, 2014

What's Up With the New Look??? And a 10-mile run :)

First of all... I'm sure you've noticed something a little different about my blog the last couple of days! I've totally re-vamped the blog and gotten it ready for my Europe trip.

Notice the new title?? Yep, I'm changing the name, too! Beginning on Tuesday, January 20 2014, you can find this blog at 

Making this change took a lot of thought and consideration, but I think I'm ready to go through with it. I think that this new name will be more generic, and it cleverly incorporates my love for both rowing and running. For those of you non-rowers out there, the term "let her run" or "let it run" is the coxswain's command for all of the rowers to stop rowing. As soon as this happens, the boat is let to a glide, and rowers&coxswain all drift seamlessly through the water, able to enjoy the effects of the power of their strokes. It's one of my favorite feelings in the world, needless to say!

I think the running aspect of the new title is a little bit more obvious :)

Anyways, you might continue to see changes as I learn more ways to make my blog come together in a way that I like it. Since I'll be incorporating so many travel posts in the coming months, I was inspired to create "labels," or tabs so that readers that might come on the blog for different reasons could appropriately direct themselves towards what they might want to read specifically. To be totally honest, I really miss the old look of the blog, but I think that's just because I don't much like change and am still getting used to this new look. Besides, I suppose I can always go back to the old look someday if I never warm up to this one :)

Speaking of change, I've been spending the week getting ready for that big change that's coming up. There's been much running around, packing, and organizing. I can't believe I leave in four days...

My main suitcase...

I'll post more packing details later on!


As far as the workouts, they've still been running :) I've been enjoying the dry ground this week. Yesterday I meant to take the day off, but out of necessity ended up running 1.3 miles in order to pick up the car so I could use it to go get a haircut. I used the flip band to carry my phone and car keys during this excursion... it was great :)

My reason for taking it easy yesterday... I wanted to get in 10 miles today! I knew I could do one last long run in the United States if I squeezed it in before the snow it again. Today was freezing (20 degrees) but that meant the ground was frozen and not muddy. I went for it. Did 10 slow miles and felt pretty good during most of it! I was relieved when I finally got home though.

During my run, I brought a new kind of fuel with me...  It seemed to work!

When I got home I made an omelette with mushrooms and then had a mug full of kale with chocolate almond milk. YUM.

I can definitely say "mission accomplished" now. I look forward to spending the next few days with friends and family before I leave!

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