Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Dealing with disappointment.

Today was the day that I went to see the much anticipated "Spirit of the Marathon II" with my mom...  and it didn't play! There were technical difficulties and we were sent home with a full refund and extra movie tickets. The whole situation is just very sad though because the movie was only out for ONE DAY in 600 theaters nation-wide. I must have bad movie luck because this also happened at the midnight premiere of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II" and when I went to see "Gangster Squad" there were similar issues (though the film was able to carry on).

Ultimately I'm very disappointed but this situation is clearly out of my hands so I'm not wasting too much time worrying about it. Life is about "running happy," after all, and I can't let this one thing get me down! I'll see the movie eventually, and maybe the theater will even try to reschedule the showing!

Now, onto the good parts of my day! For example I had the genius thought to bring M&Ms into work... the blue ones are best, aren't they?

I made a beautiful, personalized fruit salad for lunch--it really energized me for the rest of the afternoon at work! I love fruits in the summer!

After work I tried a Trader Joe's s'mores ice cream sandwich. I thought it was great, though it didn't really taste very s'morey!

In the paper there was a picture of my beloved river and a very familiar tug-boat--one that I've rowed past hundreds of times! The bridge is also something that I'm very familiar with, though now it seems that they're replacing it. Love seeing my river in the paper for reasons unrelated to pollution!

In the mail I got a reminder for the 5k that I do every year--"The Most Excellent Race." I've done it for years and look forward to it; the course goes right around my neighborhood. The date this year falls one week after my June 16th it will certainly be an experience!

I'm still working on finding the perfect Father's Day desert recipe...a for now, time for reading and bed!

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