Sunday, June 23, 2013

YIKES and a successful day.

First of all: AHHHHH! I can't believe a whole day passed without me making a blog post! It was my goal to make a post every day for at least a year but that did not happen! I was gone all day yesterday on an exciting waterskiing adventure (an activity which sadly I do not have any pictures from) and then had to hurry straight to babysitting, and then after that I stopped back at Alex's to say hi and pick up some things that I'd left on the boat. By the time I got home it was so late and Sister had a bad night and needed to talk about it. Then I just went to bed! Somewhere in my sleep I realized that I'd missed blogging today but I obviously didn't bounce out of bed and get it done... Now I don't know if I should make two posts today to make up for it or just stick to one. Regardless, I'll try to get some pictures from today's boating adventure.

I have some pictures that I took on my Friday adventures, though. First off, I went in this BEAUTIFUL downtown library (will get more pics on the nice architecture tomorrow) and found this cool model of the buildings in that area. To me it looks like a piece of sculpture, even though I think it actually was just a model.

The other thing that I found was an ad for The Most Excellent Race! 

The race was earlier this morning and I chose not to participate because I just didn't feel that ready after my half-marathon, and I didn't want to risk any sort of injury. I also knew I would be waterskiing yesterday and that I might get sore (I definitely did!). I think not racing was a good decision but it was sad when I woke up this morning and knew the race would be starting any moment. I'll try for next year and work on finding a different 5k to do this summer.

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