Thursday, June 20, 2013

S'morey Goodness.

My sister and I went adventuring (errands) and decided to try to find a Dairy Queen so I could eat a S'mores Blizzard (which is the blizzard of the month) because 1) I saw a commercial and it looked delicious 2) Hungry Runner Girl blogged about it and 3) it's--unbelievably--the end of the month!

I decided to get the "Mini" size because it seemed really perfect. Enough to have a good amount of ice cream but not an overwhelming amount. I think that (sometimes, not always) when you indulge it's a good sign if you're left wanting more instead of totally sickened by sugar and the Mini was perfect for that! The s'mores flavor was really strong and amazing, and the graham cracker flavoring was well-incorporated and strong throughout but my only complaint would be that there weren't enough chocolatey marshmallow pieces! Otherwise sooooooooo delicious!

I'm still waiting until getting back into running. I still feel worn out/weak from the half-marathon but I feel like I'll be ready soon. Maybe tomorrow or the next day! I'm excited to get back at it and try some new workouts I've been planning. After all...

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