Wednesday, June 5, 2013

National Running Day!

Happy National Running Day, everyone! To celebrate I logged 6 hilly miles. My Garmin checked out after only five unfortunately (I need to get better at charging that thing!), but it was a pretty nice run otherwise. A friend drove past me and recognized me as he rounded the corner, so he honked his horn! Unbeknownst to him, he inspired every one of the 3 cars behind him to honk and wave at me as well! It made my run. I love when I see people during my runs who say hi, which recently has been about 2-3 times a week! I live in a great running neighborhood and am super lucky.

I took Hungry Runner Girl's National Running Day quiz (you should too!) and these were my results:

  1. Headgear I need: Ponytail, hat, AND sunglasses!
  2. I usually do 2-3 races a year. Hopefully more soon.
  3. Usually my training plan or what I feel like doing that day or a sort of combination of the two but it really depends on what I'm preparing for.
  4. Probably a little lower on the scale of miles…300-350? I haven't kept close track until my current pair of shoes so that's approximate!
  5. I don't bring my phone on the run!
  6. IT-Band Syndrome….it was horrible!
  7. My current running goal is to get faster AND add more mileage, double-wammy!
  8. I do speed work on the track.
  9. I usually  throw down and stretch right after my run, though once I recently stretched in the shower! 
  10. I run for my mom--when brain surgery in 2011 prevented her from running anymore marathons, I took over! I've run one half-marathon now and am getting ready for another in 2 weeks. Full marathon soon to come, I hope! Every race that I run is dedicated to her, and every time I run I think of how lucky I am to have this ability, no matter how much it might hurt that day!
Here's a candid most-recent-race-day photo of me in honor of this national holiday:

And a very old race-day photo with old friends:

I get a lot of emails everyday from different race-organizations and sports gear companies, and I got one from  today about how to speed up your half-marathon time. I have a feeling I'll be competing in the half-marathon distance for awhile before I move onto full-marathons, and I feel that with proper training and if I'm careful, I have a lot of potential to really speed up if I work hard at it and dedicate more time. Since today's post is pretty much all about running, I thought it would be suitable to include a little snippet it from this article, which is an example of how using the tools they recommend can help you improve your time:

Of course, for more info you should read the article! I found it helpful. I think the number one thing that I'm learning from all that I've read is that I should work on tempo and speed work, and perhaps even runs beyond the peak 12 that often precedes half-marathon races. I'm so excited for my next half-marathon, but I'm also itching to start mixing things up in my training!

Fun Fact:
I sported some lovely bright pink loafers at work today!

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