Friday, August 16, 2013

Favorite Things Friday.

This morning was one of THOSE mornings where, since I had nowhere immediate to be and no deadlines to make, I was extraordinarily unmotivated. I didn't want to do anythinggg. Yesterday I had planned a menacing trifecta of rowing, spinning, and running for today but I procrastinated for FOUR HOURS before starting anything. It was actually afternoon by the time I started my workout. I did laundry, packed a little bit more (of what I could) even though I'm not leaving for six days, I sat and stared at the wall, I did ANYTHING besides start my spin work out. So today ended up being:

60 minutes spin (check out this new longer video done by the same people as the other one I use)
30 minutes run (new shoes still A-OK but I think I need to lace them toes fell asleep...)

That brings me to my favorite things this week!

1. This news. I've mentioned several times that I did the Hot Chocolate race last November (placing second in my age group, alriiiiight!) and now I can finally get Alex one of these hats! He loves running hats. It will be his next present.

2. The feeling after a GREAT hot yoga class. So rejuvenating! 

3. The feeling of showering after a great hot yoga class...

4. This new ab regimen, provided by this year's men's captain on my rowing team:

5. Shopping for dorm stuff with ironSister. 

6. The way I'm going to decorate my new room next week!

7. The spinbike :)

8. The eyelashes on this car...

9. The way my hair feels when I rinse it with olive oil (you should try this! Just make sure to use dish soap to wash out the excess oil and shampoo after so your head doesn't smell like a bowl of pasta! I swear it makes your hair grow faster and it's really healthy either way!).

10. Getting to see my partner in crime this weekend! 

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