Monday, August 12, 2013

Ice cream on a stick, banana wrap, spin "class," and Girl Scout Crunch bars.

As you may be guessing from the title, today's post is all about the important things in life. First of all, let me talk about these Magnum ice cream bars. If I got to eat one last food before I died, this would DEFINITELY be it. The carmel ones have a thick crunchy chocolatey outside, carmel layer, and thin chocolate layer all on top of creamy vanilla ice cream. I've never seen/tasted anything like it. I could write poetry about this ice cream bar. Ironically, right after my mom went and bought them, ads for these ice cream bars started popping up whenever I read HRG's blog...the interwebs know my life...

I enjoyed one of these babies last night...nom nom nom.

Also, important news. I have found a new way to eat bananas. I don't eat bananas very often because (strange that I should say this) I find them too...sweet. And squishy. Sweet and squishy isn't a good combo for me. Alas, I know I should eat them more so when I DO eat them, I eat them with peanut butter. A few days ago I found a recipe for a "banana wrap" somewhere on the Internet. I don't remember where I found the recipe though, so just know I did NOT make this up myself. Here's what you do:

1. Heat up a plain tortilla in the microwave for 10 seconds
2. Right away smear CREAMY peanut butter all over the tortilla (if you want it meltier, microwave the tortilla for longer)
3. Place banana in the middle of the tortilla and wrap it up and chow down
I added this part though
4. Sprinkle a few chocolate chips in there (never turn down the chance to add chocolate to your life)

I guess today is a yummy food post because the other thing I have to tell you as to do with food as well! When I finished my workout today I came up to my room and saw this: 

Last summer my sister and I had a tradition of getting one of the normal sizes of these whenever we went to the drugstore. Each normal-size bar has two of these mini-bars, perfect for splitting. As a surprise, she left me one of the mini ones! How sweet of her!!! And it had a combo of PB and chocolate, YUM.


Today I saved my workout for late...started at 7:35 PM. I started with 5000 meters on the erg, I used my new "erg card" (there's a more technical name for that but I forget what it is) and saved my workout on there. No more saving my workouts on paper and losing them! I'll have to show it to you tomorrow! The 5k was rough and my legs have not really had chance to recover for a few days... I went from my tough 10k erg on Thursday to my 9-miler on Saturday and then did a 3-mile run yesterday when my legs probably could've used a break. In other words, my legs were heavy heavy heavy. I haven't done a fair "race-pace" 5k where I went all out for awhile, so maybe I'll do yoga for a few days and check out where I'm at. 

After that 5k, I used this video on our spin-bike that sits next to the erg in the basement. I got in a sweat-tastic spin, it was great! Here's the link in case you want to favorite it for a future spin-experience: 

I LOVED this spin video! Usually if I use our spin bike I plug away and watch Netflix for a monotonous and boring 40-or-so minutes. Doing a spin class is SO MUCH MORE FUN! This was one of the most fun workouts I think I've ever done, and I think sometime I might try the 60-minute video. The fact that it was so fun makes me wonder if I was doing it right but I was definitely sweating hard the whole time so that's promising! Part of the deal is that I LOVE doing anything with intervals and that made it go a lot faster. Also, the 20 minutes with a motivational person yelling at you goes a LOT quicker than a happiness-draining 5k on the erg alone. Plus the whole time I pretended I was trying to beat the blonde with floppy hair, that helped a lot too. I HIGHLY suggest trying one of these videos. I never realized how lucky I was to have a spin bike in the basement until today! 

Happy Monday!


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