Saturday, August 10, 2013

Still babysitting and LONG run day!

I'm still babysitting (still on the 3-day gig I mentioned). I have learned that candy helps both with bribery AND with getting yourself through the day if kids are being nutty.

(Pink because it matched my skirt)

I thought I might need the candy for reinforcements (and to quiet the girl and her friends down on the long drive to the country club) but the kids were pretty well behaved! I chilled out for a few hours by the pool, reading Iron War. Will have to do a review when I finish; it's fascinating!

My view yesterday (it's a hard life, I know)

This morning I went and met with my cutest friend (I wrote about her a little bit here too) for brunch! We went to our fave bakery/restaurant and acted very French by ordering crêpes. Mine had chocolate and berries!

This afternoon, the girl I'm babysitting was still at her field hockey clinic so I had plenty of time to go on the long run I've been dying to go on. I had talked a lot about doing a 10-mile race tomorrow morning, but now that I have this job that won't happen. I'm still kinda sad about that conflict but I'll get over it! To replace those 10 miles tomorrow, I ran almost 10 miles today! It was 9.something, I messed my route up a little so it wasn't quite 10. That's the farthest I've run since my last half-marathon! I was pretty dead by the time I made it home, though I was feeling pretty great until I went over 8 miles! I've been doing lots of 6 and up to 8 miles runs more recently so I can tell they've been helping. I'll be spending the afternoon feeling dead tired and eating watermelon to rehydrate :)

Shout-out to HRG for completing her half-marathon in 1:25 this morning! She is such an animal--she will get that sub-3 marathon she's been chasing! Janae inspires me to keep working on my running everyday, but more importantly to love it more everyday. She's great!

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