Friday, August 30, 2013

Finding a school routine, a new challenge, and another loss.

I haven't posted in a few days because the internet has been going down across campus, and then yesterday was a day of morning because I cracked the screen on my iPod. That thing is my baby, and I paid for it myself 3 years ago, and I knew this was probably bound to happen one day but now...I'm just sad. Most of my blog pictures are taken on that and now it's a goner. Actually it's not really a goner it's still usable but I'm very sad about the state it's in.

This is why I like to row/run/cartwheel/yoga

Other than that, I've been finding a new workout routine now that I'm here. I knew I wouldn't be doing the 50-90 minutes of exercise that I was doing at home everyday, but I've done at least 30 minutes every day which is more normal. Today I ran and erged on the school's rowing machine. Tomorrow I'll be going to spin class with my fave roomie (we lived together last year). I'm also going kayaking in the afternoon.

Today I had hoped to be doing a 10-mile run in the morning....but when my alarm went off I REALLY wanted another 1.5 hours of sleep so I just ignored it and did a shorter workout. Hopefully I can squeeze the 10 miles in sometime this weekend, but if not, it's not a big deal. I have tryouts next Thursday or Friday and I want my legs fresh for that.

I'm also going to participate in Swim to Turkey. This is the perfect type of thing that I've been looking for to strengthen my swimming this fall. As it turns out, there are a lot of swimmers in the community I'm living in this semester and I will have more than enough company (and fun) to accomplish this. It's a lot to add into my schedule, but I think I can make it work. Worst case scenario, I spend a few weekends catching up to my goal (68,575 yards by November 20).

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