Tuesday, August 27, 2013

YAY hat, and running improvement.

Hi !!! I was so busy with my first day of classes yesterday, and I didn't get time to post! It also didn't help that everyone was running around like chickens with their heads cut off because wifi was down campus-wide. BUT I have good news! My Head of the Charles regatta hat came in!

Yay! This one's fancy and canvas and not good for head ventilation so I also got a plain white one that is mesh and made by the same makers as my old hat, but it doesn't say Head of the Charles on it. So two=the value of one in this case but this is the best I can do since my old hat is floating somewhere in a lake in Ravenna, OH right now.

In the last few days a lot of developments have taken place as far as our regatta schedule. Our bids for the Head of the Charles will come in on 1 September, and then we'll plan from there! Meanwhile we've established a schedule and have a sort of idea where we're headed this semester. Tryouts are still a week and a half away! I've been putting off doing any erging at the rec, but I've continued to run! Yesterday I did almost 5 miles at "hard" effort in 90 degree heat. I ran a lot faster than normally despite the heat! This has actually happened a few times in the last few weeks, and I've been surprised by my performance. Like I said before, I think my running-less and cross-training-more habits have really helped my personal running progress. I hope that my running is seriously improving and that I can get a new half-marathon PR this fall. I've picked out a new race with a friend of mine...should be a really fun one!

Speaking of which, I'm going to head out for a run now and get showered and cleaned up before my evening class. Toodles!

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