Thursday, July 25, 2013

Eeep! Tri Time!

It's official...I've registered!
Now the panic can really set in! While I was at work downtown today I took a picture of the view right near where the triathlon will be starting. I think it's breathtaking...
I think my dad will be missing my first triathlon (T-10 days!) which makes me sad but it certainly hasn't taken away from my excitement! Plus he'll be doing an awesome cycling trip to DC (I wish I could go!).

I was really pleased with my 8 miles yesterday, I relaxed afterwards by wearing my compression socks :)

and eating marshmallows!

This article came up in my ticker on Facebook yesterday, which is great because I'm trying to soak in all the information I can about triathlons! It suggests ways to speed up your time, and a lot of it involves hurrying through transitions. I'm not sure how the transitions will go for me, because I've not practiced or experienced anything like them before. The article suggests running through the water until you MUST swim, but on your way out says it'll speed you up by swimming as long as you can before you have to put your feet down. I'm not sure I'll be thinking too much about these details during my first triathlon experience but maybe they're good for reference!

I've also been reading a lot more of "12-Week Triathlete" which I wrote about a couple of months ago. It's actually really been helpful. The author suggested a triathlon called "The Escape From Alcatraz," which of course is located on Alcatraz in San Fran (my favorite place in the world). Now I'm dying to become a monster triathlon so I can complete that challenging race (and then stay on for vacay in Cali :) I even looked up the dates and was pleased to see that the race occurs when I would be on summer break for the next several years as a college student! Maybe some day (a girl can dream!).

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