Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Funny kids

Today I left work early and babysat for my absolute favorite girls ever. I love spending time with them because they are hilarious and such a joy--I would do this without getting paid (but don't tell their parents:). A lot of kids that I watch make me never want to have kids but these girls (aged 7 and 11 plus a 7-year old friend) make me think it might be okay sometime...in like 15 more years.

First we hit up the pool where I spent hours and hours swimming when I was their age:

Then it was time for playground and selfie-central!

Accidental selfie while I was watching them play turned out kind of nicely!

Did some reading, too!

My favorite parts of today were some of their conversations. They all went something like this:

"Let's go to the playground!"
"No, let's go home and color first."
"Let's BRING our coloring TO the playground!"
"Oh my gosh yes."

And when swinging upside down...
"OMG, y'all have GOT to come try this. It's like the coolest thing to happen to planet Earth ever!!!"

And when Young Sister spilled blueberry smoothie on her white skirt, Older Sister was not too happy:
"I cannot believe you did that. That is a white skirt. That is never coming out. Like ever. Even with stain remover."
"Sorr-eeee! Gosh..."

These girls are funny. I think they're enjoying the age during which their biggest trauma is having the head fall off of one of their  Barbies in the bath. It's great to be around them.

Today I ran in the morning (6:45AM isn't too  bad, but it felt bad for me! I usually get up at 7:30...), and erged in the evening right when I got home from work and babysitting. I did a 30-minute run at a pretty fast pace, though not all out. I'd consider it a pretty hard run though. My erg piece was 10X500 meters with 45 seconds rest. The recommended rest was 2 minutes but I didn't want the piece to take forever...so I shortened it. Consequently, it was really hard. It would've been really hard anyways though. I finished out the day with my favorite intense abs.

Energized with Swedish Fish

My coach sent me more from our alum row. Check out this short vid clip of us!

I love this shot!

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