Monday, July 15, 2013


Minutes: 52
Temperature: 88 degrees
Humidity: 85%
It is astoundingly hot and humid today, but that did not stop me from running! I waited until a little after 7, and at that point most of my course was in the shade so it really wasn't bad. I went verryyy slow--the heat really slows me down but I usually feel fairly alright in it anyways. I felt really great after (jk, I felt really great after I cooled down and showered...) and definitely accomplished for doing a longer run on such a hot day without any dire consequences. I missed chocolate milk refueling after though :( Water with ice seemed too appealing and I just realized I forgot my favorite post-race beverage! I need to start putting a post-it note out on the door so I'll see it and remember when I get back from running.

Today I thought a lot about the triathlon I want to do in 3 weeks... I've been very hesitant because I know my swimming isn't up to par and I don't have a really steady means to work on it during the summer (not a member of a pool). My cycling and running of course is fine, and I've even practiced running right after cycling to get a feel for it. I did some research and most people recommend NOT doing a triathlon with only 3 weeks of training (even a shorter triathlon, like I'm planning on doing...). I talked to my mom about it though, because I do really want to do it, even though my lack of swimming prep says otherwise. She said...JUST DO IT. The advice out there on the Interwebs that I was reading was likely advising sedentary people not to do a triathlon without prep. I cycle and run several times a week, and am a strong (though not well-conditioned) swimmer--was on the swim team as a youngster and swam many-a-time at school this past year. I haven't swam (swum?) in a few months, and I certainly don't go very far when I do swim, but my abilities should be enough to get me through this short swim. I'm fearful of the thrashing madness that often happens at the swim-starts of these races...but if I go into my zen place and EXPECT the madness beforehand, I shouldn't be too riled up by it. So...hopefully all of this isn't talk for nothing and my dad can help me fix my bike up...because in my mind...I am DOING this. I even looked up what newbies should wear for their first Tri and found this funny blog. She has great advice! And now I think I know what I'll wear on the Big Day...providing it DOES happen!

Also, today I was thinking a lot about hydration before I went on that run. Usually at work, I don't hydrate very much because I work in the field and don't have easy access to a restroom. All my hydrating comes after work, and usually I'm parched and drink a lot of water. I've noticed that the water goes right through my body, and while my urine color might shift from dark to light immediately (sorry for these details, I'm not shy), I never really FEEL better hydrated. The liquids just go right through my body without becoming absorbed! I'm not sure if this is normal or not but I looked up some ways to avoid it. I think I might start feeling better both on my runs and in general if I get some more electrolytes...probably with Gatorade, my fave version of drinkable candy. I also read suggestions online of simply adding a pinch of salt (an electrolyte included in sports drinks) or cayenne pepper to your water. Today, I just remedied the problem by eating some pretzels. I usually don't care much for salty food and never add salt to I wonder if that's why my body is having trouble absorbing. Or perhaps when I overwhelm my body right away with so much liquid after work everyday, it simply can't absorb it all at once? Food for thought.

I forgot I had a story from yesterday to share with you. Every time I go on the highway, I see black cats on the side of the road. On one trip driving down to school, I saw SIX black highway cats and 1 of another color. After awhile, I thought it might be a delusion, but on one ride to and from school I pointed them out to my friend and she saw them too. I was on the highway yesterday to visit friends, and was surprised not to see any...until my dad texted me about something that was hanging out on the front porch...

Enough with the weird facts, time for a food pic! Blogging is hardly blogging for me these days if I don't post one of these. Here's a photo from one of my fave dinners!
Yum, green beens, hardboiled egg, and potatoes: good fuel!

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