Thursday, July 18, 2013

Still cooking and acknowledging your accomplishments.

Well, the weather has YET to ease up! Though it should be more running-friendly by the weekend... I hope!

Until these last few, sweltering days, I would've agreed with this statement...
Now, I'm not so sure! I've been wanting to do a 60-minute run all week but on Monday and Tuesday I stopped at 52 (both days) and today it was 91...and I stopped at 30 minutes, barely able to go another step! During my run I saw my high school rowing coach drive by (he honked), which was great because I always enjoying seeing people I know while I'm running. He sent me an email telling me it was him, and I guess it was a good thing he verified this because I also thought I saw Ryan Gosling at one point...the heat was getting to me! If I was in any sort of right mind I would've probably just gone back on the spin-bike for another hour+, but then my shoes did this:

...and I was sold on running. 

Speaking of shoes, I'm not sure if it's time to get new? I was planning on getting new by next month, since I'm getting closer and closer to 350 miles...but my mom (who did a LOT of distance running for many years) said that she only replaced once a year, with 800 miles on each pair of shoes. My wallet would certainly be a fan of this idea, since these guys don't come cheap! BUT I've really felt them breaking down, and recently sometimes I've been getting shin splints (not sure if it's related?). Since I get injured at the drop of a hat, it might be good to get new shoes before moving back to school. But do I really need to?
I was looking through and found a great article by Kristen Armstrong (a few months ago I read her book, Mile Markers). She wrote something that I thought was very important in her article the other day.
This is so important for us to do! Just the other day, I was thinking to myself :"...WOW...I actually ran TWO half-marathons???? I can DO that???" I realized that I've done something that most people don't do. I am so LUCKY to have done that and had that opportunity. I also deserve some credit for bringing myself to do that; training, treating injuries, figuring out the right nutrition, getting enough rest, etc. It's a big deal! It's great that I was able to finish both of those races. I'm proud of myself. I deserve to be proud, and to notice my effort. There are many other things that don't have to do with athleticism that I should also give myself more recognition for.

Stay cool!

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