Sunday, July 28, 2013

New tires, Sunday ride, and lemon cake :)

My dad is the best! He got new tires for my bike and fixed it up for me. No more heavy tires! I went out for a 17.5 mile ride to celebrate this. The weather was perfect for it. My new tires felt great; they're beautiful!

Today was spent continuing to rest up from my crazy but awesome Saturday, bike riding, and continuing to research my triathlon. T-minus 7 days until race day! I'm so excited, but also nervous. The swim should take me 5-10 minutes (I really don't know, haven't practiced for it, and likely won't!) but I'm afraid I will FREEZE! Right now Lake Erie is just 70-75 degrees, and I've been in with a wetsuit and it's chilly. I won't be using a wetsuit for my swim, and though normally cool temps are a gift from the heavens on race-day, it might freeze me this time. I'm notorious for always being chilly, and the chilly swim could make me cold for the entire race. This, of course, is simply me being a whiny baby--my health is not in danger in these water temperatures. The worst that will happen is that it'll take my breath away, and I'll swim on. It's just an un-forseen problem, but I doubt it will tarnish my race experience. Plus, this is supposed to be fun! I'd love to finish in less than 60 minutes, but that would be an amazing time and could only happen if everything went perfectly. I'm sure things that I don't expect will pop up. So ultimately, I guess I should say that my goal is to finish :)

Couldn't go without a food pick! Check out this tricked out lemon cake that Alex's mom got for him! 

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